All over the world, people are living in “radical” ways, and too many times, Christians see themselves as ordinary. We look at Hollywood, we look at the news, and we look at reality TV and think that those people are doing such “cool and radical” things in the world. But, a truly radical life is one that is wholly devoted to Christ and His Gospel.
In his book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, David Platt explains how a life surrendered to Christ is nothing less than an extreme and awesome experience. This book will open your eyes, it will challenge your thoughts about your life, and will motivate you to truly follow the Gospel of Christ.
Radical is convicting, it is inspiring, it is a must read for anyone claiming Christianity.
This book has made me think about how I live my day-to-day life. How am I using my time? How am I making a difference in a way that really matters?
Do yourself a favor and get this book!! You will not regret it! It will change your life and propel you into a great adventure!
Read the first chapter here!
*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book to review by Multnomah. I was not required to write a positive review.*
*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book to review by Multnomah. I was not required to write a positive review.*